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Content marketing is considered an important tool by modern-day digital marketers, to gain consumer attention and garner engagement. Good content is the first requirement for SEO efforts, and audiences online are consistently looking out for quality and informative content.
This means that there is a huge competition out there and for any individual businessman or marketer, it is getting much harder and harder to stand out with unique content and get results.
Many types of research have shown that more than about 70% of all B2B marketers are now producing more content than they did a couple of years ago, and more than half of them struggle to create engaging content to stay on top. B2C, on the other hand, comes with its challenges.
However, despite all these facts, only marketers and businesses can still get benefited a lot from content marketing, and here are some tips to make this task easier.
The fundamental objective of any online business aiming at content marketing is to attract, engage, and slowly guide the customers through the sales funnel and make them buy ultimately. In this context, a quick fix is of no use, but a slow and steady natural approach will win.
Here come the top 10 tips.
1. Effectively use social ads to intensify your online reach and further spread content through various online channels. Even a minimally paid Facebook promotional campaign can take you a long way.
2. When it comes to content promotions, it is ideal to use a .com domain, especially if you own a business website. Statistics show that 84% of the top-ranked pages have a .com extension at top-level domains. Another major problem businesses face multiple debts, which is a troublesome affair, especially for many new business owners. It also adversely affects the accounting process and one needs to spend a lot of time and energy on it. Moreover, based on the terms and conditions of various business money lending services, most of the time, the borrowers will be suffering a substantial financial burden too in case of even minute defaulting on debt payments. So, it is essential to know how to get out of debt and focus more on business development.
3. As a thumb rule, ‘the best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.’ It won’t work if you are trying to get your audience to deliberately value your content and try to sell it hard. You need to be balanced and build quality content that will offer good takeaways to the audience.
4. Don’t do content marketing for the sake of doing it and just post short irrelevant content just to fulfill the requirement. It can be worth the effort to post long content of 500 to 1000 words to get a good search rank as well as create value for the audience.
5. It is essential to draw out an ideal buyer persona ahead of kick-starting with your content strategy. With this approach, you will have a clear-cut understanding of the audience reading your content and what information they are looking for. This can help enhance the reach and better conversions.
6. Not just on your web pages and social media platforms, it is also essential to guest blog on other popular platforms too with linking back to your website to get content value. This can help expedite the traffic as well as enhance brand authority.
7. From the quality content point of view, it is good to avoid verbose type headlines and settle with much more straightforward, shorter, but keyword-optimized titles which are informative.
8. A content marketer should never miss out on the opportunity to leverage the value of content in email marketing. Most of the successful businesses with a significant online presence have reported that email is one such tool that is directly tied to their revenue making.
9. Consistency is the key to content marketing. So, blogging and posting fresh content about the most updated topics must be done regularly for the best results. As per a Hubspot survey, more than 75% of the marketers who blog through this platform once daily have reported ending up with at least one prospective customer through the blog, compared to a lesser result acquired by those who do blogging only monthly.
10. Always share your valuable website content which you feel is worth sharing. It is essential to add the social sharing buttons right next to your content. Even third-party sharing can help increase your reach. There are many social sharing plug-ins available, such as Social Warfare, Monarch, Sumo Share, MashShare, etc. which make content sharing easier & faster. Sometimes, even the most basic maneuvers like a simple thank you letter can prove out to be a solid content marketing strategy.
While practicing content marketing, always remember to stick to the basic rules of optimization and conversion and not to overdo things. Optimize the content simultaneously on every possible channel through which you can reach your target audience.
Moreover, content is not just written text, but you need to think of creative ways such as gif images, videos, graphics, and other forms of content to create better brand awareness & achieve a loyal audience!
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