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10 Must Question To Know Your Customers’ Needs

ten must question to know your customers needs

Customers are the ultimate decision-makers in your business! Does this concept sound familiar? If not then check with the leading MNCs like Amazon, Intel, HP, Apple, and others how they gained a remarkable position in the global market by satisfying their customer needs. Whether you believe it or not in this customer-centric business world, understanding as well as addressing “customer needs” plays a crucial role to meet the desired marketing goals.


Thus identifying your customer needs will not ruin your marketing efforts instead it helps you to serve your customers with better affinity. However, here is a set of questions that helps you to identify the customer needs to deliver the best products and services. Before getting into the ten important questions that filters out your customer needs take a look at the few important reasons and methods involved in identifying the customer needs.

Reasons to identify the customer needs

Thus, identifying your customer needs will help you in many ways to upgrade your business revenue. Initially, most of the B2B marketers felt that identifying the customer’s actual requirements was one of the tedious work. Luckily! Today the evolving technologies and business models have solved many business problems including customer related issues. Well here are a few interesting ways to identify your customer needs:

Always ensure that sales team ask for customer feedbacks

Customer feedbacks are the important resources to know the expectations or the needs of your customer. Often your unsatisfied customers like to pinpoint the loopholes in your products or services and report it through customer feedbacks. Whether you use their feedback to enhance your products or services or blame them for defaming your business, it’s left to you. Remember! A smart business marketer will always ensure the positive outcomes with the available resources. Hence it’s better to be a smart marketer and resolve the issues by understanding customer needs.

Listen to their pain points, likes, and comments over the social media sites

Today, tech-savvy customers prefer to survey the reviews of company products and services over social media sites. Generally, they hang on social media sites like Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook to check the product or the service reviews of different companies. Often they indicate their preferences by liking or sharing the advertisements. In some cases, few customers request solutions for the existing problems with the products. Thus, gathering information such as most liked or shared product advertisements, reviews of competitors can help companies in arriving at the customer needs.

Interview the potential customers to understand their requirements

Reach out to your potential customers ask for them to reveal their requirements, expectations from the product or challenges involved in meeting the desired results. Where their requirements and product expectations and business challenges help in gaining better insights over customer needs. Gaining better knowledge of customer needs and challenges will help business owners in designing an innovating product or delivering satisfying customer service. Even interviewing your existing customers helps you to identify the issues associated with the company products and services.

Analyze the online behavior of the customer before they purchase the product or service

The tech-savvy customers make an effort to research over the internet to analyze the product reviews of different companies before purchasing any products. Fortunately, there are many online communities and social media sites over the internet which helps them to get clear insights. As a business marketer, you can look into their online behavior which helps you to gather their needs. However, your effort will not ruin because delivering the products and services that satisfy your customers will help you to retain a good reputation in the competitive business world.

Now, it’s time to know the ten questions which help you to identify the customer needs. With thorough research work, I have gathered the ten important questions to include while gathering customer needs.

May i know more about your business and top priorities?

When to use? The salesperson can ask this question whenever they reach out to the new customer.

Benefit: Helps to gather more information about the customer’s business requirements.

Based on what criteria you research on this product?

When to use? Whenever the customer reaches you to know more about the product, they can ask this question

Benefit: Provides more details on customer needs and expectation from the product or service

Please provide more information about your short-term as well as long-term goals

When to use? It’s better to ask to get a better understanding of the customer needs.

Benefit: Helps you to get more information about the business challenges and upcoming technologies in the industry.

Recently did you find the right company to accomplish your business requirements? If not what were the drawbacks?

When to use? You can use this question to know more about the competitor’s products or services in the global market.

Benefit: provides more information about the prospect’s requirements as well as the competitor’s products and services.

Please tell us more about your business pain points, failures, and drawbacks

When to use? The salesperson can use this product to analyze the customer needs

Benefit: Helps you to customize your product based on your customer’s concern as well as challenges.

Can i know more about your recent achievements or success stories?

When to use? You can use this question to identify the strengths of the customer

Benefit: It helps you to identify the business resources and strategies that helped them in achieving success.

Do you make the final decision to buy the product? Or your boss takes the final call over buying the products?

When to use? You can use this question to know more about your key decision makers.

Benefit: It helps to connect with the right decision maker’s and know more about their choice as well as requirements.

Did you purchase any product with us earlier? If so how far it helped you in meeting your business goal?

When to use? You can use this question to identify the issues related to your company products and services

Benefit: helps to modify the company products and services based on the customer feedback.

Do you have any concern in switching to the new solution?

When to use? You can use this question to introduce your new product or solution to the existing or new customer.

Benefit: Helps to understand the customer concern while purchasing new products for their existing problems.

Can i know more about your budget plan as well as previous investments?

When to use? You can use this question to know about the budget plans of the customers.

Benefit: Helps you to arrive at beneficial deals and offers based on the customer’s input.

The sales person can follow the SPIN approach while interviewing the customer with these questions to build profitable customer relationships. To know more about the smart tactics involved in building profitable customer relationship you can refer our site

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