DataCaptive » Whitepapers » Data Quality – The Secret To Successful Marketing

Data Quality – The Secret To Successful Marketing

The secret to successful marketing - Data Quality

Data is the lifeline for every business and also powers all the associated processes from marketing plans to profit-tracking. Like any other commodity, data should be good quality as it plays an important role against the quantity collated.


Data Quality impacts the core efficiency of every business process and is considered to be like a make or break factor for the growth and success of a business. In this whitepaper, we will delve into the various factors related to Data Quality that need to be a part of a successful data management strategy.

Key insights offered by this whitepaper include:

  • The impact of data quality and the reasons for inconsistencies in it.
  • How to source authenticity affects data quality and usability?
  • The six data quality dimensions need to be tracked.
  • The challenges that the growing Big Data poses.
  • Major benefits of maintaining good data quality
DataQuality - The secret to successful marketing
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