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Website Trends To Watch For In 2018

Website trends

As 2017 has gone by & we have entered 2018, now’s the time to examine your marketing strategies for the year to see what worked for a business and what areas could stand to see some improvement. One area that many businesses of all sizes and industries overlook is their website. It’s a common misconception that once you create a website, there’s little work that needs to go into maintaining it.


However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Rapid advances in technology combined with changing consumer demands can make your site outdated quickly. Examine your website to ensure that it’s engaging and use these tips to increase engagement on your site in 2018.

Go minimal

There’s something aesthetically pleasing about a site that’s well designed and contains a minimalistic approach to the layout. People are so overstimulated with content these days that you don’t want to overwhelm them with too much information on your site. Taking a minimal approach to your website design can help your site stand out against a sea of white noise and calm your reader and make them want to stay on your site longer, which can increase their chances of making a purchase. If you don’t know how to use HTML to create a website yourself, you don’t have to run out and hire a design expert. There are several website builder sites on the internet that let you easily create a site that’s ready to launch.

Stay away from cheesy stock photos

Ten years ago, companies could get away with using cheesy stock photos of corporate employees for their websites. There’s been a shift from stiff, staged stock photos to a more journalistic approach to photography that captures people in natural, relaxed poses. Now that people have easy access to high-quality cameras thanks to smart phone technology, there’s no excuse to use these strange, out-of-context photos for your website. If you aren’t comfortable with taking photos yourself, you can find stock photos that aren’t cheesy or overly posed. Remember to be picky about what you choose, and allow your photos to flow nicely from one page to another.

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Don’t neglect apps

Because building apps has become so easy, you may want to consider creating one for your business. Unless your site is mobile-optimized, it may not be easy to visit your web page from a mobile browser, which is how most people consume content these days. Instead, make it easy for people to engage with your business online by having an app that’s easy to download and navigate.

Keep content fresh

Your site should include content that’s easy to understand and highly engaging. Don’t fall victim to the common mistake many businesses make by leaving old, dated content on your site for too long or you may miss out on potential sales opportunities. Invest in a blogger to keep content fresh by creating regular posts around your brand and what you offer. You should also make it a point to link up your website with social media so that when you post something new, content is pushed to social as well to let followers know that you have new content.

Animation and illustrations

When the internet was still new, people created their own website and included pixelated graphics because they thought it made their site look good. Often, however, the graphics only slowed down the connection or made their site look cluttered and unprofessional.


Animation and illustrations are making a comeback thanks to designers, however. You can incorporate small elements of animation or illustration into your site that won’t make it look gaudy or slow down someone’s experience, and won’t make them think of a poorly-designed site from the 90s. Your website should be a place for people to consume content and want to engage with your company. Using these tips, your site should be poised and ready to take on the New Year.

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