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6 Ways To Find CEO Email Addresses Of A Company

CEO Email Address

Chief Executive Officers or CEOs are one of the top-most-ranking business executives in any company. Considering their responsibilities, they tend to have jam-packed schedules and are always busy hopping from one meeting to another for strategic planning, investor talks, and other company-critical tasks. Since they are the decision makers of a company, earning their attention requires a very targeted and personalized outreach.

So, if you are trying to reach out to the CEO and other higher executives of any industry to promote your products or services, ask for a job or investment for your startup, then the best way to do it is through email marketing. And to connect with them, you will require the valid email address of the CEO or other executives.

This is why marketers constantly look for new ways to find CEO email addresses. This blog will help you track down the CEOs of any industry and get their contact details, like email, phone number, company details, etc. 

Let’s get started!

Why Is It Important To Know About The CEO Of A Company?

A CEO is a business executive who is usually responsible for the company’s overall success, as they are the one who thoroughly monitors the production of the entire organization. However, the role of a CEO varies depending on the size and corporate structure of the B2B or B2C company. In large corporations, a CEO is responsible for overall strategic decisions, while a smaller company is tasked with day-to-day functions and organizational culture.

They play a significant role in making important corporate decisions and are ultimately accountable for a company’s business decisions on operations, marketing, business development, finance, human resources, etc. Most CEOs, VPs, Directors and other top executives don’t get time to browse their social media and have personal social media managers who handle their accounts and keep them updated.

Since they are responsible for decision-making in determining the direction of the business, they are the ones you should reach out to if you have a product or service that can speed up collaboration for marketers around the world. Remember that when you pitch to a CEO, you only have one shot at engaging with them, so make sure to be deliberate and thoughtful in your email.

creative thinking
Expand your professionals network by availing the contact list of CEOs. Reach your sales goals with a 7-tier verified database!

How To Find CEO Email Addresses Of A Company In 6 Ways

1. Common email patterns

If you are trying to find emails of the CEO at a smaller company, then you can go ahead and start guessing some generic email addresses because there are high chances that the CEO will have access to them. You can start this process by looking at the URL of a particular company. Try to find out the CEOs name and the email’s domain part. Sometimes you can find the email addresses by adding “CEO” in front of the email domain like [email protected].

Some companies also have formats for their staff email addresses and you can reach out to the CEO by adding their name to the format like “[email protected].” Another tip for doing this is to look into the “Help” and “About Us” sections to find CEO email addresses. The good thing about this method is that it is free, has moderate accuracy and is perfect for smaller companies.

On the other hand, it can get quite time-consuming and cannot be used for larger corporations. Even if you can’t find the CEO’s email address directly, you can reach the inbox of any of the other executives and they may forward it to the CEO.

Some of the common email addresses patterns are:

Common email patterns to find ceo email id

2. Use LinkedIn and Twitter’s advance search feature

LinkedIn and Twitter are the best social media platforms for networking with the decision-makers of any business. So, if you want to contact CEOs or other high executives, using these platforms is recommended because it is a free service and can be more effective and powerful with a premium membership. These executives can also be found making official posts and joining discussions related to their industry.

They also allow you to search in terms of a particular industry, geography, size of the business and company type. To reduce your research time, you can search for a name, job title + domain, or company and get your answer. Many CEO also add their email addresses and other contact information on their LinkedIn or Twitter profiles so you can check that out and connect with them. Once you send a message to them, you know that they will probably have a quick look at your profile, so make sure you have added everything important.

One tip here is that you can use the advanced search option of Twitter if you don’t want to directly reach out to a list of CEOs. LinkedIn paid upgrades like LinkedIn Sales Navigator allow you to view executives’ accounts safely outside your network and use advanced filters. The advantages of using Twitter and LinkedIn are that it is highly accurate, reliable, accessible and suitable for CEOs of small to medium companies.

Find Email ID of CEOs on LinkedIn

3. Through lead generation tools

Another reliable method to get CEO email addresses is using lead generation tools. Lead generation tools can scale your marketing efforts and put your business’s growth on autopilot. These tools are designed to assist with capturing B2B leads like CEOs and other executives. With these tools doing all the work, you can focus on developing marketing campaigns and simultaneously get the email addresses of CEOs.

Tools like these come in many forms and can serve various purposes. You must select a tool that offers a reasonable price and better features in certain areas than others. So, if you want to get accurate CEO contact information quickly and scale your email list, then these lead generation tools are the right choice. 

Some of these tools are:
Domain search:

You can find CEO emails from the website domain and even filter the search results.

Boolean search:
You can get email addresses when you type a particular title, skill, or location on multiple platforms on a search engine or social media platforms like LinkedIn and GitHub.

4. Email extraction tools

Email extractor tools can help to generate bulk emails of qualified leads. A study done by marketers showed that nearly 65 % considered lead generation as the top marketing challenge. These extraction tools are designed to collect targeted email addresses of company CEOs and executives. It allows you to build meaningful relationships, increase engagement and improve your conversion opportunities.

Email extraction tools will find and extract the CEO email addresses from website domains saving your time and manual efforts. Other tools like email guesser can help you predict potential email variations from a combination of first name, last name, and website domain. Email checker tools can also be used to verify and validate email addresses.
CEO Email ID Finder

5. Call the company

One of the easiest and most straightforward ways to find the CEOs email address is by calling the company and asking for their official email addresses. Since it is not a common practice anymore, most marketers don’t try this strategy. But this tried and tested method is very effective, especially when it comes to finding the CEOs of small to medium-sized companies.

All you have to do is ask the receptionist or assistant for their CEOs email address, but it does depend on corporate structure and the company’s size. The larger the company, the more explanations you will have to give and ensure them that it is strictly for business purposes. This is the most cost-effective way of finding any higher executive’s emails and is highly accurate. One disadvantage with calling is that it may not yield results with secretive or hermetic companies and can be hard to scale up.

6. Find CEO Email Addresses From Database Providers

Since the above strategies are time-consuming and might not give instant results, it is better to opt for a contact database from DataCaptive. One of the best ways to have a validated, verified and reliable set of CEO contact lists is to purchase it. Data was and always will be the most essential aspect of any company as it can help build their businesses by selling data for profit. Numerous database companies collect specific information on corporate decision-makers. 

It is also the best way to avoid spam and save time from building your own contact database. What becomes difficult is choosing the right database provider and finding the right contact database. People tend to move from one company to another; therefore, their business contact information can change from time to time, so the data is constantly changing. It is the best option for bulk email sending and getting the most reliable information. 

Marketers think that databases can get expensive, but there are many cost-effective examples such as DataCaptive’s CEO Mailing List. These contact databases are professionally verified, constantly refreshed and updated at all times. But what is good about DataCaptive is that it not only provides you with a CEO email database but also with tools and features that can help you build your email marketing campaigns. 

CEO Email Addresses From Database Providers
Looking for result-driven data to support your multi-channel marketing? Then check out a sample our C-level executive database!

How To Find CEO Email Address For Free?

The best free method to generate CEO email addresses is to research them on google. This will not require you to use any email finder or extraction tools. People nowadays like to share their contact information, especially if they have a small company and are striving to grow and make connections. There is a high chance that the CEO you are looking for has already mentioned their email addresses on any of their social media profiles or website, which will appear once you google for it.

You can look for a personal blog, social media profile, a bio, or anything that may have their contact information. While searching for it, remember to add their name and company, as google will then get a clearer picture of whose contact details you need. The free sample database is the other free way to find executive email addresses. You can even look at some of the DataCaptive contact databases and get their samples or get free trials for email extraction tools.

What Is The Best Time To Send An Email To A CEO?

No study has been able to find the exact time or day to send an email to a CEO. But we can say that a professional email to higher executives must be sent during the morning, specifically between 9 am to 11 am, while 1 pm to 2 pm is also a great alternative. These are the times when executives like CEOs are the most active, as many CEOs start their day by checking emails. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are the best days in terms of open and click-through rates.

How To Create A High-Converting Email?

When writing an email to a CEO or other higher executives, there are some tips you must keep in mind while writing the email. Writing a formal email to a CEO requires a different approach than a regular cold email. Before you start with the email, you must identify its purpose in the subject line and create an outline of how your products or services can solve their pain points. You must remember to keep your email brief, clear and concise.

Some of those strategies are:

If you are looking for examples of a professional high-converting email that you can send to a CEO, you can take a look at our industry wise email templates. These templates are designed and only require you to fill in your details to make your prospecting journey easier!

End Note

Reaching out to any company’s senior executives, like CEOs, requires you to have a very targeted and personalized outreach. Therefore, you must try to leverage all opportunities you get to find their email addresses. It may seem like a daunting process, but finding an email address is not so tricky. You can make this process easier by implementing the right tool and approach. We hope you use some of these tips to look for a list of company CEO email addresses. 


Happy Prospecting!
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Promote your product or services by reaching to the right target audience. Customize your database based on your requirements!


Most marketers who are beginners always ask the question of, “How do I find the details of a CEO?” Here are a few ways you can find the CEO contacts:
  • Common email patterns
  • Use LinkedIn and Twitter’s advance search feature
  • Find CEO Email addresses from Email Database Providers
  • Through lead generation tools
  • Call the company
  • Email extraction tools

You can get a CEOs attention by sending a high-converting email. This email must have a very targeted and personalized outreach. Before you start with the email, you must identify its purpose in the subject line and create an outline of how your products or services can solve their pain points.

The easiest way to verify your CEOs email addresses is to get email verification tools or software that helps you check the validity of the email addresses in their mailing lists.

Yes, CEOs do read emails, but you have to make sure that you keep your email copy short, up to date and add a descriptive subject line. Showcase how your products have successfully solved those problems. And add compelling reasons as to why they must respond and work with you on your solutions.

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