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7 Ways To Grow Your Email List With Social Media

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If you are looking for more email subscribers, using your social media pages to encourage fans and followers to subscribe is a great tactic which actually works. Email marketing is a very powerful tool which, in spite of the growth of digital marketing, is still a solid method and a great way to improve your sales and conversion rates.

Over 90% of consumers check their emails every day, with many having round-the-clock and instant access through their smartphones. To date, email is one of the most heavily used methods of communication and email marketing is one of the top marketing methods used today. Although email marketing is great, it is difficult to grow an email following and it can take a lot of time and effort to do.
That being said, by using your social media following to your advantage, you can substantially grow your email list. Here are seven ways you can do it –

Have a sign-up form

Don’t disregard the basics. Some people like to subscribe to their favourite brands and companies via email and will actively do so, without you needing to encourage it. You should always have an email sign-up form available on your social media page, so that your biggest fans can easily subscribe to the list.
On Facebook, you can dedicate a tab on your page for your email sign-up form and use an enticing image or call to action so that people know it is there. You can add a link of your Twitter and Instagram profiles as well.

Incentivise your email list

Everybody loves a freebie or an incentive to do something, so apply this to your email list as well. Incentivise your followers to sign up to your email list with a little push, it doesn’t take much, and watch your numbers grow.

Many e-commerce sites will offer customers a one-time discount code for subscribing, for example. A discount, a free sample or an exclusive product are all great ways to encourage your followers to subscribe to your email list.

Host a contest

As we just said, everybody loves a freebie! One of the most commonly used ways people use social media to build an email list is to hold contests or giveaways for their email subscribers, with Facebook contests being one of the most common social media giveaways.
Hosting a contest is very simple: make an incentivising post encouraging your followers to subscribe to your email list for the chance to win a prize. Make the entry to your contest the act of following your email list to make the competition extra simple.

Engage current subscribers

Another very simple and often overlooked trick is to encourage people who are currently subscribed to your email list to share it. All you need to do is add social share buttons to the bottom of your email template and the job’s done!
If one of your followers really takes a liking to your email, then they have the option to share it and more often than not they will!

Invest in Facebook ads

If you have a little bit of cash you can spare towards investing in your email list, then do so! Facebook advertising is a lucrative market which works wonders for businesses and it can work wonders for your email list too.
It is important that your Facebook advertisement links through to a landing page where people can sign up to your email newsletter. Why not combine two of these tips and use a Facebook ad to link through to your discount code offer for subscribers!

Promote gated content

If you are a content developer, you should absolutely be producing gated content too. Gated content is content which remains hidden until a visitor to your site subscribes to your email list. It is a free, simple and very effective way of increasing an email list.
You can use your social media page to encourage followers to visit your site and, when there, they will be required to enter their email address to access some or all of your content. By the time a visitor gets to your site, they are already engaged and want to read your content, so the content gate will in most cases result in an extra subscriber to your email list.

Host a webinar

Webinars provide great value if you have a lot of followers who are always wanting to see more of you. If you don’t have a webinar coming up, plan one and advertise it through your social media channels heavily.
People who want to access your webinar will have to provide their email address to access it. In your social media posts, you should really try and sell your webinar. Remember, your social media followers are already interested in what you have to say, so really push it and encourage them to come along and watch.
These are just some of the ways you can use your existing channels to boost other channels – after all, cross-channel marketing is an amazing way to get your assets working in the right direction, and reach a new audience. Make sure you always keep in mind the best way to utilize everything you already have to achieve the best results.

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