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NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) was developed in 1997. It includes business processes, service companies, products, and technology companies. Countries like the US, Canada, and Mexico use these codes in NAFTA [North America Free Trade Agreement] transactions.
US government introduced SIC (Standard Industry Classification) to classify businesses. But SIC codes deal with only products. This code is difficult to classify new types of products and services.
NAICS and SIC Code help you find potential customers from your preferred industry. Moreover, you can quickly know which industry has the maximum target audience. Planning is an essential part of a b2b marketing campaign.
The presence of potential customers in an industry determines the investment for a b2b marketing campaign.
These codes will help you segment your target industry conveniently.
NAICS and SIC Codes are helpful to locate basic contact information of your target audience. Once you get b2b data of your target audience, there is no stopping. You would never go with an Ill-Fitted Outfit. Then, why fall for wrong data?
We have decoded 11 myths around demand generation. Click here for details.
Being a b2b marketer, you must have a complete customer database. Mailing addresses, updated social media profile and phone numbers will add to your convenience.
NAICS and SIC Codes are just like a fish trap while fishing. With the right NAICS code, you can find other details like:
Hence, use the NAICS or SIC Code and build your b2b marketing campaign. Such intricate details enable you to build better buyer personas. And, these personas lead to personalization of your marketing approach.
SIC Codes and NAICS Codes are your guiding force for b2b marketing. As your campaign evolves, you use SIC Code. Using it, you design your website content. You also plan finance and funds for advertising.
Industry classification codes help to guide your prospects and lead with apt content. Potential customers select their industry verticals. They find product data that solves their challenges in industry verticals.
You can buy b2b lists directly from data vendors. It creates lucrative telemarketing, email marketing in a b2b setup. NAICS and SIC code provide the information of a company in your industry vertical. It does not specify mailing address or email with it.
DataCaptive offers effective b2b marketing solutions to help you achieve your marketing goals. You can get updated and varied b2b marketing list. With our NAICS and SIC Code based data, you can plan your target audience and start a successful campaign.
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