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8 Amazing Ways To Sell To Healthcare Companies

Amazing Ways To Sell To Healthcare Companies

You may have heard of courageous, risky, and bold sea voyage attempts through the ages of history that resulted in the discovery of new islands, countries, and even continents.


You may even be aware of mind-boggling discoveries from maritime explorers like Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus.

Well, how is it related to sales in healthcare companies in the B2B industry? Do healthcare companies offer an experience similar to a maritime explorer?


Imagine, how would you feel when you are set out for an exciting and uncertain sea exploration adventure? You could encounter unexpected bumps, accidents, unforeseen injuries, and so on. But, you must keep going till you find your targeted destination beyond those risks.


Similarly, targeting, reaching, and converting qualified leads from healthcare companies require an extra-edge of expertise, monitoring, and courage to believe in the unseen outcomes like the maritime explorer in a sea voyage.

When you have set out to obtain B2B deals from the healthcare companies, you gain the same experience as someone on a sea voyage.


It is difficult, but not so much. There are some smart ways to enhance your sales to b2b healthcare companies. Let’s see each one of them.



8 effective ways to sell to healthcare industries

1. Enhance the social media presence

“Two out of three doctors are using social media (like LinkedIn) for professional purposes.” –  EMR Thoughts


Well! You need to make your social media presence felt if you want to connect with a larger audience. You must engage them with educational content and stellar customer care.

Enhance the social media presence

Medical professionals are much inclined towards those websites that offer them valuable content and customer support. You can inform your customers about the new inclusions in your company and target your content effectively on topical posts. Moreover, update friendly stories/posts about local interests and articles that answer common questions in healthcare.


It would be best if you always keep a properly optimized website. The greater your space in social media, the higher will be your sales and customer engagement rates within healthcare companies. B2B marketing has been adapting to social media immensely and B2B healthcare marketing has been doing it as well.

2. Influencer marketing

“The average cost of a healthcare B2B sales lead is higher than any other industry at $60.” –  Marketer Insider Group


Influencer marketing is impactful for your b2b marketing campaigns. B2B Healthcare marketers have started to focus on providing a unified experience to targeted healthcare companies across all channels with omnichannel marketing.


Ads like 9 out of 10 dentists recommend a specific healthcare product are the best examples of influencer marketing.

Influencer marketin in healthcare

You must choose an influencer who has an engaged audience and extensive social media following, especially among healthcare companies. It is more crucial to check for the influencer’s responsiveness to comments and queries. If they have no comments and have some followers, then they may be relying heavily on paid likes on social media.


You can also check for niche publications and sites that focus on your target audience. Catching up with online sites specific to your industry can help you connect with appropriate healthcare companies much easier than publishing your brand on any random healthcare site.

3. Lead generating medical content

“83% of health organizations are engaged in content marketing.” – MarketingProfs, State of healthcare content marketing, 2018


In b2b healthcare, you must focus more on educational content. You must educate your customers to win their trust- Create inspirational content of customer success stories after using your healthcare products/services.


To get more public appeal, you can utilize the power of health-related hashtags that trend on Twitter. Use community-specific health hashtags that are trending at different geographic levels.

Lead generating medical content

“Only 36% say their organization’s content marketing efforts are very effective.”MarketingProfs, State of healthcare content marketing, 2018


You can also make a funny behind the scene content focusing much on your team efforts. It can be like a tribute to their performances in an inspirational and humorous way. The other way to provide content would be to include emotional appeal as they have more chances to attract a larger audience.


When your potential clients from the targeted healthcare industry subscribe or sign in to read lead-generating medical content, you gain their valuable contacts that you can use for prospecting and further conversions.

4. Sales cycle

“Only 43% of B2B healthcare sales are made within the first six months of contact.” – Colony Health


The real problem here is that b2b healthcare marketers do not engage with anyone beyond those who meet the traditional end-users. It is crucial that as a b2b marketer, you must engage with those healthcare business executives who sit with real healthcare professionals rather than the traditional end-users.

You must increase the micro-targeting and personalization of your approach and content to influence the stakeholders. It could help you reach healthcare companies sooner or later and affects your sales cycle immensely.

5. Mobile apps

“Optimizing your website for mobile is now a vital feature and not something that is just nice to have. 80% of the top Alexa websites are mobile adaptive” – Mobiforge research analysis


Currently, healthcare mobile apps are the new advancements in b2b healthcare marketing. However, just like digitized wearables they are at their growth stage. Usage of mobile phones is on the rise and B2B marketers have started to adapt their healthcare marketing services to mobile users.

Mobile Apps in healthcare

Nowadays, Healthcare professionals rely on smartphones to access their patient records, for making clinical decisions, and so on. Thankfully, it has added much to user convenience.


“47% of healthcare organizations expect to expand their use of connected health technologies over the next few years.”– HIMSS


Create a mobile app that resonates with your brand voice and integrate necessary features to appeal to the right set of audiences. However, getting them to download your app may take a while, but once you do it you have set a crucial way to generate sales in a millennial way.


Even face-to-face and non-scalable interactions cannot provide the convenience of using mobile apps.

6. Understanding organizational hierarchy

The way you cook food for one person differs from the way you cook food for thousand people. Similarly, when you are dealing with a small healthcare clinic, you will interact with a single decision-maker.


But, if you are pitching an entire hospital, or other larger healthcare entities you must appeal to several decision-makers functioning under the CEO. Even though the CEO might have the final say, a nod from the heads of various departments is crucial.

Understanding organizational hierarchy

As you deal with a specific purchase department within a healthcare company, you must map the client’s purchasing hierarchy of the organization. You should try and obtain a list of people involved in the client’s purchasing hierarchy through networking, and responses of already existing professionals.

7. Search Engine Optimization

“81% of hospital administrators will directly contact a healthcare vendor as a result of their search.” – Google Think Insights


Are you thinking of closing better deals? Get started now.

SEO for healthcare marketing

Best healthcare websites have the right SEO strategies that will help them crawl, be relevant and rank well on the search engine. You must undertake proper keyword research to find out critical industry keywords that are most searched and easy to rank.

Healthcare marketing companies requirements in marketing

8. Lead nurturing

“One out of five (21%) B2B healthcare sales takes over a year to close.” – Colony Source


The idea here is to keep it simple. Segment your audience and prepare content according to the buyer’s journey. Customers would not make the purchase right after going through your website. You need to follow up and utilize genuine persuasion to convert leads to paying customers.

Healthcare lead nurturing

Therefore, you must conduct lead nurturing effectively to turn your qualified leads into deals.

Things to do when you are nurturing leads


It is probable that you could make successful sales to B2B healthcare companies than your anticipated competitors if you use practical marketing strategies. You got to be ready to sail through the customer acquisition journey with effective tools and techniques to enhance your sales to healthcare companies.


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For more details on qualified leads from various B2B healthcare companies, visit our website: For queries on B2B marketing reach out to us through [email protected].

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