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How To Use Video To Boost Your Social Media Marketing?

Enhance Your Social Media Marketing Using Video

Communication is the foundation for establishing any relationship, be it professional or personal. The marketers need to find effective ways to approach and appeal to the target audience.


Social media is one such lucrative platform and the form of marketing practiced over this channel is social media marketing. Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram are loved by businesses and the general public alike.

Social media is a great way to connect with viewers and readers, interact with real people (i.e. customers and potential customers), and build a strong online presence.


  • The existing social networking sites we see today are overcrowded with brands, websites, and influencers
  • Everyone involved in social media is trying to compete for the same pool of viewers, which means differentiation is more important than ever
  • This is true for all marketing campaigns
  • While regular Tweets or funny Facebook posts no longer ignite the user engagement many are pursuing, video posts are actually very effective in engaging users


Using video to boost your social media marketing is not as difficult as you think. We are going to review some of the best tips to help you get started.


Want to improve your social media marketing? Get many tips on how to master from DataCaptive.

Create concise videos for social media marketing

We often think of high-quality videos, made with big budgets and complicated gear, when talking about online videos. Fortunately, the videos that can help boost your social media marketing don’t have to be complicated at all.
  • On Facebook, for instance, a simple featured video of you telling new visitors what to expect can make your Facebook Page more appealing.
  • Regular short video tutorials posted on Twitter are just as effective.
  • You can also use an animated tutorial when you can’t produce good-quality videos to satisfy your users.
  • Animated tutorials produced by professional companies can really get the information across without misunderstandings or other common issues.
These contents can be produced without expensive gear or a lot of time. They are great for entering the video content game and helping you know the types of content that work for your audience. Also Read: Use these techniques for improved social media conversions

Valuable content for social media marketing

There are two important aspects to every video you make and post on social media:
  • The length of the video
  • Its practical value
  • Some videos work best when they are longer.
  • A travel video or a detailed tutorial, for instance, can be 15 minutes or more and users will still watch till the end
  • That brings us to the second aspect, which is the practical value
  • Of course, there are a lot of people who spend hours watching funny videos, but even those funny videos have valuable content.
They are posted for the purpose of making viewers laugh. Other videos you produce and post to social media must offer the same level of practical value. A tutorial video must be easy to follow and clear enough to follow without the user constantly looking at the screen. A promotional video can use an engaging story to feature a product or service in a more appealing way. Also Read: What is the role played by social media in the modern B2B world?

Make videos more searchable

Just like the way you add hashtags and keywords to Tweets or Instagram posts to make them more searchable, video posts need to be as easily discoverable as possible too.


  • Post a copy on your site’s blog or videos section and make sure you repost the link regularly to engage those who have not seen it
  • Once you start adding video posts to your timeline and social media pages, you’ll start noticing a change in how users interact with you on these platforms
  • You’ll get more engagement, a better click-through rate, and – with a carefully formulated plan – a more successful social media marketing campaign


There are several video marketing blogs that will comprehensively guide you on social media video production.


The marketing landscape has been evolving with the rise of innovative ways to do business. Every marketer wants to adopt resourceful tactics in the customer acquisition cycle as much as possible. So, social media marketing is becoming a dependable channel just like email marketing. You wouldn’t need to shift your ways of functioning entirely. It is not rocket science to create social media videos for business. So enjoy the process! Initiate multi-channel marketing with DataCaptive!
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