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“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.”
– Martin Luther King Jr
“I have a dream,” said Martin Luther King Jr. in his famous 1963 speech that changed the world. The de facto spokesperson of civil rights in America had a strong vision about ridding the world of racism and discrimination. Giving some fantastic marketing lessons to the companies, looking up to this legendary figure can almost be a revelation. Martin Luther King Jr. has inspired people for years. Not only were his dreams visionary and his ways motivating, but it was also his sheer dedication to the cause that helped him be one of the most influential leaders of the modern world.
While most look up to Martin Luther King Jr. for obvious inspiration, marketers and businesses can also take in good marketing lessons from him. If you are a business that needs some motivation, these tips will work wonders for you.
Here has been summarized seven such Quick Marketing Tips that you can learn from Martin Luther King Jr…
When Martin Luther King Jr. shared his “dream” with everyone, he inspired thousands of people. However, one thing that stood out from the speech was his burning passion and his willingness to achieve his dreams, regardless of the hardships that he was being meted with. If he had given up on his ideas, everyone around him would too.
Similar situations arise in the business circuit as well. Being afraid to pursue your dreams will never lead you to success. It might be hard and might be time-consuming, but the key is to move on. Be a dreamer and a doer- that is one of the biggest marketing lessons you can learn from Martin Luther King Jr…
One of the things that stood about Dr. King and his fellow revolutionaries was that they never gave up. In spite of Dr. King being killed a few years after the passage of the law, his followers continued their struggle to eradicate the societal evil that existed at large. And they were rewarded with success in the end.
This is the true spirit that every person in the marketing niche should imbibe — the courage to not give up and the act of continuing hard even when the roads are steep. Nothing should stop you from reaching your goals because giving up is never an option and this is one marketing lesson every marketer should consider.
Dr. King had worked tirelessly to ensure that the Civil Rights movement succeeded. Without his efforts, the world would have been a different (and challenging) place.
Likewise, to make your business a success, you need to put in some considerable effort. To be a triumph in the business world and accomplish your goals, you need to work hard. Only by putting in the effort, can you truly reach your goal and this marketing lesson is truly for keeps.
Martin Luther King Jr. focused on one particular point on numerous occasions- change is the constant thing in life. And it is inevitable as well. It is impossible to imagine a life that is discriminated against for all people born after the Civil Right Act was passed. However, the scenario was completely different back then. As the laws were passed, the perception of people flipped. Times changed, and so did the society.
A similar concept applies to businesses as well, and there is a major marketing lesson to imbibe from it. With New Technology being introduced daily, it is essential to accept the change and undergo a metamorphosis to survive. As the world shifts, businesses should shift too to avoid being doomed.
Strategic partnerships are what matters by the end of the day, be it for changing the face of the society or marketing world. Dr. King not only aligned the support of the African-American community but also garnered the backing of leaders outside it. For instance, during the Selma March, a rabbi and a nun stood right in the front lines. He formed essential partnerships with them, thus allowing himself to branch out perfectly. His effort of getting his civil rights message out was successful due to this simple yet essential strategy.
In the world of marketing, right partnerships with other Marketing Influencers can help change most of the businesses. So, the marketing lesson to be noted is to form the proper connection with the right marketers, and you can go a long way.
It is imperative that you share your vision with others. While forming partnerships is essential, it is pivotal that you share your ideas, goals, and missions with everyone else. Not only does this clear up your intentions, but it also allows others to join you. Martin Luther King Jr. shared his bold vision with everyone, and he could rally a large number of people behind him.
When it comes to business, you need to share what you want with everyone to ensure that you have people who understand what you require and ultimately work towards attaining the same vision. This is what makes marketing campaigns successful. Hence, sharing your insight and ideas is one of the marketing lessons you can learn from Dr. King.
All the speeches made by Dr. King would not have been successful if people were not willing to follow or listen to him. Crowds were motivated and listened to everything he said keenly because he was an influencer. He inspired people to act on their dreams and further achieve it, and this is what made the most significant difference.
In today’s world, with social media at the hem, it is easier for people to follow positive influencers. The more powerful your message, the larger number of people will support you. So, the marketing lesson over here is to craft your marketing campaigns around positivity and make your business stand out. Make sure that people are excited to follow you and half your job is done.
Martin Luther King Jr. has been an inspiration for generations. With his deep insight into life and a bold dream to change the world, he brought about real changes in the world. Imbibing the same spirit in the marketing strategies of your business, you can bring about a positive change as well. By keeping in mind these motivating yet straightforward marketing lessons, you can lead your business to the epitome of success.
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