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How Video Marketing Campaigns Influence Purchasing Behavior?

video marketing campaigns influence purchasing behavior

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, and forget what you did, but never forget how you made them feel.”Maya Angelou

Sales is the ultimate reward and measuring tool for any business organization, right? All of us want rewards, success, sales, in our business. We are running our business for the long haul and need monetary rewards in order to run!
Let us start off by discussing how we can achieve just that. Our primary focus for this blog is video marketing! Why is it so important for our success and how you can use it effectively? Let us find out!
Before understanding how video marketing campaigns can influence your customer’s purchasing behavior, we must first understand the Six Stages to the Consumer Buying Decision Process (For complex decisions). Actual purchasing is only one stage of the process.

They are as follows-

  1. Problem recognition- awareness of the problem
  2. Information stage- gathering the information of the product/ service that can solve the given problem
  3. Evaluation of the alternatives- evaluate all the available options
  4. Purchase decision
  5. Purchase
  6. Post-purchase evaluation
Through a video marketing campaign, we can influence a customer during the first 4 stages! In order to ensure maximum sales, we must utilize different types of advertisement tools and strategies….

Why video marketing?

Video marketing is the most interesting form of marketing, plain and simple! Video production is not as expensive as it used to be, these days one can even use smartphones for their video marketing campaigns. It is engaging and accessible, so why not?

So, how can video marketing campaigns influence customer behavior?

The benefits of video marketing campaigns are really unlimited!
I will just try and mention the most important ones here-

  • A video can engage the laziest of people – it is so easy to watch a video, it doesn’t require much energy and effort! Any person would prefer watching a video over having to read something. Watching a video is simply easy!
  • A video can engage the laziest of people – it is so easy to watch a video, it doesn’t require much energy and effort! Any person would prefer watching a video over having to read something. Watching a video is simply easy!
  • A video can evoke emotions far more greatly than words – a video grabs the attention of your auditory and visual senses and can influence your customers far more than just words because words only grab visual senses.
  • A video can explain everything – With the help of a video, complex data can be easily explained and understood.
  • You can start standing up for great causes and make people aware – Through a video, you can put your vision out way more clearly than you can do with words. You can promote your brand as well as the cause that you believe in! The best example of this is Dove, when Dove started their campaign discussing and recreating the definition of beauty. The message portrayed inclusivity of women as beautiful and worthy irrespective of shape, size and color!
  • Video builds greater trust – When you are focused on providing videos in your content you give a subtle message to your customers that you care about them and build greater trust which in turn will help you in greater sales and ROI.
  • Video appeals to the millennials – it is a generation of busy people! People find a video more appealing than a descriptive post or blog because that doesn’t require any effort. It is easy and preferable.
  • Videos are easily accessible – You can watch a video on your smartphone at any given time! Every year, the number of smartphone users is only increasing! YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year. A study showed that people are far more likely to feel personally connected to a video when they viewed it on their phones rather than on any other device!

The bottom line is!

Video marketing is easy and effective. It can work wonders, engage your audience greatly and bring you a tremendous ROI! Get creative. Think outside the box. Have a vision and be very focused and determined about what message you want to convey to your customer and what kind of emotions you want to evoke in your customers.
We know the importance of video marketing now! Let me leave you with one tip to make your video marketing campaigns even more effective! What is that tip? Invest in good data that can help you with targeting your audience!
We, at DataCaptive, want to make your work easier! With the help of our contact lists, targeting customers becomes easier than ever before! You can create personalized content and send it across to your target audience!
We will take care of maintaining and updating your data in order to ensure that you can carry out your marketing campaigns in an effortless and hassle-free manner. Get in touch with us and learn more…
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