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Matt Heinz is the President of Heinz Marketing, a Redmond-based B2B marketing, and sales firm. He is one of the biggest names in the marketing and sales arena. Matt is an expert in business development, strategic management, customer experience, brand management, demand generation, and social media management. He has over 15 years of experience and has worked in various industry verticals.
Matt is an author and an award-winning blogger. He has continuously been recognized as one of the Top 50 Most Influential People in Sales Lead Management and Top 50 Influencers in Marketing & Sales.
In this interview, Matt Heinz answers several questions related to B2B marketing. He speaks about its prospects, AI-enabled transformation and gives invaluable tips for B2B marketers.
Before B2B buyers pay attention to vendors, the vendors must show that they understand the issues and concerns of the purchasers. They must instill that confidence in buyers that you’re willing to listen to their stories and invest your time in solving their problems. Unfortunately, many companies don’t yet have that patience or discipline.
Today, most budget and resources in B2B marketing departments focus on acquisition. So yes, there’s a huge amount of potential to invest in the entire customer lifecycle. This will impact not just the lifetime value of a customer but also that of the referrals and competitive differentiation.
AI helps marketers to make smarter decisions, achieve better personalization, and to convey the right messages to the right people at the right time. Most of our one-to-many campaigns are simply trying to impress a very small percentage of “the list” that doesn’t really care about your product or service. Moving forward, AI will help us to put that message ONLY in front of that small percentage who need or want your services.
We’re finally at a point where AI is going to have a material impact on more and more of our sales and marketing programs. This becomes especially true as we allow data from multiple systems and platforms to integrate into a much more interesting and actionable picture showcasing the customer persona.
There’s still a lot of bad content out there that’s completely self-serving. Either it’s all about the publishing company, or to get traffic, not necessarily to inform and mobilize a motivated buyer. That said, we’re certainly seeing more marketers go from purely creating content to creating content-driven experiences. And THAT is the right direction!
The more personalized the message, the better performance you’ll achieve.
It’s not going away anytime soon. Instead, we’ll just get smarter overall at how we work with target accounts – across departments (sales, marketing, customer success) as well as in building coordination and consensus amongst the internal buying committees. However, I bet we will stop calling it ABM within the next 1-2 years.
In its purest form, Account-Based Marketing has been around forever.
The biggest stumbling block of B2B marketers is that they don’t prioritize revenue-centric marketing. You must remember that you cannot buy a beer with an MQL!
There’s really no such thing as social selling. When’s the last time you bought something on Twitter?
So, these were some of the valuable insights that came from the leading light of the B2B industry, Matt Heinz. Be sure to take his advice and improve your business prospects considerably.
B2B marketers always have something to learn and adapt to their business. Whether you’re a start-up or have an established business, you need to keep yourself updated on new trends and see how better you can cater to your clients’ needs. Learn from the experience of a successful influencer in the Marketing & Sales industry like Matt Heinz and transform your business. Make sure that your customer has the best experience with your brand and invest time in understanding them.
Look out for AI impacting the business world and it’s sure to make headlines with how effective it will be to a business. Your company and brand always have room for growth and improvement. Pay keen attention to detail and build from there. Remember that as a company, your goal is to serve your customers. Without them, your company ceases to exist. Adopt and explore new strategies!
Then, why wait? Get in touch with us right away!
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