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Diversification becomes inevitable as your business grows and B2B is no exception to it.
Currently you may have a single team handling both the sales and marketing aspects of your business. But as your company grows, chances are that the single department will be split into two, focusing on the same goal.
Based on the needs and requirements of a company, designations and specializations are subject to change. And it is this change that had given rise to the job profile of C-level executives.
C-suite executives are the think tanks and decision-makers of an organization.
These executives are the ones who are responsible for running an organization. And to lead it towards the path of success.
Going further, we will discuss the C-Suite Job titles and roles that have come to light over the past few years.
Whether you see a headline that states newer technologies are creating more jobs or the one that reports them as being the cause for more people to lose their livelihoods, the health of C-Suite positions are on a steady rise.
Today, specializations have become more role-specific. Companies are creating new C-Level Executive roles to cater to increasing demands.
With the development and expansion of the organizational structure, various positions that existed in the past are no more in vogue today. However, C-Suite titles are inflating at a steady pace.
Job titles and functions that make up the upper-echelons of a modern-day organization are constantly varying. While some roles have evolved with times, others became a part of new specializations. Their evolution can be categorized into the below 3 categories.
Read on, to find out more about the aforementioned classification.
Companies are reacting efficiently to the changes in the current business climate. New executive positions are constantly being added to the current C-Level roles, and with new posts comes great responsibilities.
Whether you see a headline that states newer technologies are creating more jobs or the one that reports them as being the cause for more people to lose their livelihoods, the health of C-Suite positions are on a steady rise.
Today, specializations have become more role-specific. Companies are creating new C-Level Executive roles to cater to increasing demands.
ADDITION of C-level executive titles leads to,
SUBTRACTION of total expenses,
MULTIPLICATION of productivity &
DIVISION of total workload!
Below is a complete information of the recent advancements that have taken place with regard to the C-level job titles. Read on, to find out more.
Chief Cloud Officer (CCO)
Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)
Chief Customer Officer (CCO)
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
Chief Data Officer
Chief Ecosystem Officer
Chief E-commerce Officer
Chief Freelance Relationship Officer
Chief Growth Officer
Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Internet Evangelist Officer (CIEO)
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO)
CITOs align the company’s goals with Information Technology and Computer systems.
Chief Innovation Officers (CIO)
CIOs create and manage innovative solutions to solve pressing issues of a company.
Chief Intellectual Property Officer
CIPOs manage the compliance of the Intellectual Property laws. They are essential to protect a company from infringement of Intellectual laws.
Chief Knowledge Officer
CKOs manage the research and analytics wing of the company. They gather information on technology, business practices, and customer relationships.
Chief Learning Officer
CLOs are responsible for exposing employees to new learning solutions. They execute new learning solutions that are accessible, measurable, and practical.
Chief Marketing Technology Officer
A CMTO works closely with the marketing and IT departments of a company. They implement marketing and technological policies for meeting business goals.
Chief Networking Officer
CNOs are responsible for connecting people and businesses. They focus on communication and team building.
Chief Perception Officer
CPOs are responsible for managing the reputation of a company. They control and manipulate customer perception.
Chief Product Officer (CPO)
CPOs are in-charge of product management. They are involved in various functions like product/portfolio marketing, product strategy, and product development.
Chief privacy officer (CPO)
CPOs oversee compliance aspects concerning the privacy issues of an organization, customers, and its employees.
Chief Risk Officer (CRO)
CROs are responsible for reducing the potential and perceived risks of the company.
Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)
A CRO forms revenue strategies. S/he manages the revenue related functions of a company.
Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)
A CSO manages the financial, social, and environmental risks associated with the company.
Read: 35 most influential women leading B2B Marketing Technology to gain more insights.
Chief Social Media Officer
CSMOs plan the social media strategy and operations of a company.
Chief Strategy Officer
CSOs are responsible for framing, managing, and implementing various strategies for the organization. They help in communicating the company’s vision and goals to employees and customers.
Chief Supply Chain Management Officer
CSCMOs take key supply chain management decisions of the company.
Chief Talent Officer
CTOs are responsible for identifying, nurturing, and managing the talents of employees.
Chief Visionary Officer
CVOs formulate the vision for an organization, its products and its services.
Chief Experience Officer
CXOs are responsible for improving the overall experience concerning the company’s products and services. They are also called as Chief User Experience Officers.
Next, let’s find out what are the changes that the C-suite jobs have undergone.
Want to learn more about the Chief Experience Officer? Hit this Button to find out!
As stated earlier, C-Level Executives are experiencing a drastic professional change. Specializations are narrowing and the existing roles are getting too intensive. Given such a case, C-Level executives must brace up for more change.
Let us take a look at the changes that have occurred so far!
Change in the role of a CEO
A CEO’s role has undergone rampant changes in the recent past. Currently, the focus is more on making administrative decisions, promoting collaborations, innovations, and encouraging continuous learning.
Change in the role of a CHRO
CHROs are forced to move away from the convention. They are now burdened with the task of employing their workforce with diverse skill sets, innovative goals, and employment models.
Change in the role of a CFO
Companies now look for a strategic CFO , albeit one with the industry knowledge. With time, they have become business partners rather than subordinates. A CFO prepares strategies to tackle financial implications of technology investments.
Change in the role of a CAIO
Incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in businesses have led to the creation of a new role called the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer. A CAIO is responsible for information security, and marketing automation.
Change in the role of a CMO
With the advancement of applied sciences, a CMO is expected to have knowledge of the latest technologies. S/he is expected to handle disruptive technologies and adapt to new customer behaviors.
Change in the role of a CISO
General security and network risks have led to the creation of a new role called the Chief Information Security Officer. A CISO’s role has gathered more steam with information becoming the new wealth of industries.
Change in the role of a CRO
A Chief Risk Officer is expected to manage cyber, digital and other risks associated with the company. Increased competition has brought in new responsibilities for a CRO.
While we analyzed the various changes that the C-suite positions have undergone, above. Let’s proceed and concentrate on the job titles that are on a verge of extinction.
Specialization improves work productivity and output. Also, it improves the employment prospects for an employee. However, these specializations have led to a rampant change in the functions of C-level executives.
According to industry experts, four specializations are likely to disappear in the not-so-distant future.
Reasons for the disappearance of these C-level executive roles can mainly be attributed to 2 main factors. Integration of marketing technology and increased demand for multi-specialization has led to the creation of new roles and extinction of old ones.
Want to know the best tricks employed by successful marketers to impress the C-suite executives?
Read: 6 Techniques to Improve how you sell to C-Level Executives to know more.
To remain permanent, cope with change. To remain eminent, concentrate on constant improvisation.
To remain relevant, get technologically advanced!
As they say, Change is the only constant thing in life.
Hope we’ve managed to discuss all the C-level roles that were and are being subjected to change.
Think we have missed on something? Kindly mention the same in the comments section below.
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