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Game Of Customer Engagement Strategies In B2B Marketing


We have already crossed the first month of 2018. This means one month less, for all the out-of-the-box marketing for this year. In spite of the fact that a ramification of marketing with some distinctive particularities & approaches exists, B2B is still a form of marketing, nonetheless. And whether it’s B2B or B2C potential customers are always needed for the growth of a business. To transform these potential customers into sales, tactical customer engagement strategies are needed by marketers.

B2B marketing gurus around the world agree that being customer-centric is important for success but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Every B2B marketing company should have customer engagement strategies that align with the core business objectives. 


Customer engagement strategies in B2B marketing are continually changing but they always lead to one same thing – a commitment from the clients to interact with the brand. Arriving at that commitment means building solid impressions that are both meaningful & consistent, whether it’s a “first date” with a client or as in the majority B2B cases, a substantial re-ordering of products.


The customer engagement process from the start to the end should be done with consistent speed, dedication & patience to reap the benefits & to be honored with leads that convert to actual sales.

Because of all this customer engagement doesn’t come easily.

So, how do we improve our odds?


For this B2B marketers should be asked some questions which include….


  • How well do you know your customers as individuals?
  • How does your customer want to interact with you?
  • What do you know about their challenges, priorities & needs?
  • How to make the interactions that are more valuable?
  • How committed are the customers towards you?
The basic answers to these questions can be found out from your data or just by having normal conversations with your customers. Only thing is that the discussion should be focused on the client’s strategic areas and whether those areas are related to your business or not.

So, other than all this!

B2B marketing professionals execute to boost customer engagement

Read on...

Customer support hub & suggestion tracking

Majority of B2B companies provide a phone number for all their customer needs but they do not have a single place online with the same capabilities. Nothing more can irritate a customer than having information in many different places without a central location to access.


B2B marketers should make use of the customer support software which also enables customers to view documentation & check on the status in real-time. It’s also important that customer engagement & suggestions are tracked in a CRM system alongside other core KPIs. If a large number of customers are reporting specific problems or requesting certain changes, B2B marketers should be doing everything possible to adapt accordingly.

Boost brand promotion

It might be a bit confusing in our technological age, but direct referrals & word of mouth are even more important for B2B customer engagement. According to recent HubSpot research, more than half of the B2B buyers rely on testimonials in the marketing materials, & look for ways to foster the existing customers for brand promotion. Marketers can also avail the help of B2B influencers to influence customer engagement. Having a referral program in place is also a great way to promote your brand.



Being mobile friendly

Times have changed a lot. Statistics say that about 52% of B2B customers are less likely to engage in their experience ain’t mobile-friendly. But it doesn’t mean that you have to spend thousands on a mobile site by tomorrow itself for customer engagement, as it might not be realistic for many B2B companies.


Here, creating a clear link to the customer hub of the homepage can be a good step. Today’s customers try to figure out things on the go and the right customer support software can automatically create a mobile-friendly experience & a customizable customer support hub that facilitates optimal customer engagement.



Strategizing with ABM

Account-Based Marketing is nothing but putting additional focus on your customers & attempting to sell more to them. In ABM, each large account is treated as a separate market niche & marketing is directed to its most influential decision-makers.


When properly conducted ABM can greatly increase the value of existing customers while costing less than the usual new–customer acquisition costs. ABM is currently the norm for marketing in the B2B industry but done properly it can have a huge impact on customer engagement.



Sharing information through omni channels

It’s amusing when B2B marketers are surprised to see how information can be shared with customer support software. Today this is especially true with the ticket creation process. Technology has made it possible for a conversation that starts on live chat to be automatically converted into email tickets with no information lost.


This also implies in case the customer does not have enough time to get their issue resolved during the chat session. B2B marketers in pursuit of strong customer engagement should consider all the paths that are necessary.

Keeping the customer at the business thinking center

For years marketing campaigns have been associated with product lines & didn’t look from the perspective of what the customer needed. Things have changed a lot now. Studies on buyer personas & journeys have started to inspire different ways of thinking while making important decisions based on statistics, insights & analytics.


Today, if a particular strategy doesn’t satisfy the customer journey mapping, it won’t even be considered a priority for investment in organizations. Putting it concisely, it has become really important to consider customers as people rather than money-making machines.

Hyped up to practice these strategies?
Make a start by attaining marketing leads from DataCaptive.


B2B companies that provide an awesome customer engagement experience throughout the lifecycle will stand a much better chance at generating serious ROI than those that adopt a half-hearted approach.


A structured strategy with all the right tools & predetermined KPIs can make all the difference in becoming the next leading approach for successful B2B customer engagement.



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