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Top 5 Email Marketing Examples To Advertise PPE Kits

Email marketing examples to advertise PPE kit

Email marketing is great for building large audiences, engaging with subscribers, and reaching out to the right buyers. Mobile promotional push notifications, websites, social media posts, and other modern technologies have made email marketing easier & more important than ever to the success of almost any business.

In this article, we explore how email marketing has proved beneficial to market PPE kits. Demand for these is increasing due to the lack of COVID-19, which was the avenue of business most employees were using before.

Let’s read on.

Is email marketing not working for you?
Learn how to make it powerful in the healthcare industry.
make email marketing powerful in healthcare industry

A fully equipped PPE kit is available at your fingertips to protect you from contamination. It includes one pair of gloves, one pair of goggles, garment coveralls, headcover, and shoe covers.


Owing to the global COVID 19 pandemic, many businesses are buying more personal protective equipment. The WHO, in February 2020, has called on the industries and governments PPE Kits Market is estimated to value over USD 60 billion and register a CAGR value of over 8% from the forecast period 2020 to 2027 to ramp up the production of PPE kits by over 35% to fulfill the surged demand.


Hospitals, point of entry, laboratories, primary health care, and quarantine centers have the largest demand for PPE kits.

This graph displays the PPE equipment market by 2022. – (Source)

PPE market by region

PPE kits market segmentation

By Product

By Application

Why should PPE Kit Manufacturers/ Suppliers consider

email marketing for growing business?

There are several which make email marketing the most effective digital marketing method, even in the 21st century.

Easy to provide a customized message

Email marketing helps B2B marketers to customize email promotions for specific needs. If your potential prospects can’t visit your website, a well-designed and written email does the job of brand promotion. With Email marketing, you can message different people with personalized content based on their pain points.


Emails with videos are multifunctional, as they function to give the overview of the company in a more interesting manner. Emails are the way to communicate on a personal level and understand the exact requirement of the prospect and give customized solutions.

Focuses primarily on the relationship

Email marketing is best for PPE kit manufacturers/suppliers as it is extremely relationship-focused, which is useful for growing the clientele. Another reason why emails are so popular in the healthcare industry as they can provide a two-way communication option. This allows businesses to engage with customers more directly as well as maintain strong ties with previous clients.


Emails do not invade the personal space or interrupt the schedules of the receiver, and one can respond to them at their own convenience. Even after the completion of the sales process, you can keep a buyer listed in your subscription list and send him updates, news, invites, etc. This strengthens the business relationship and paves way for future reference.


Email marketing can give you a permanent and more personal contact with your customers than any other type of advertising medium. Quality conversations will lead to more orders and opportunities in the long run.


Email marketing is considerably economical when compared to other digital marketing methods.


PPE kit manufacturers can use email marketing not only to promote their products but also to raise awareness about the need to use the same for safety.


If you have just started your company with limited funding, emails are a great way to build the customer base and eventually promote the products. With emails, you always have the chance to reach out to the prospects, in case the first conversation did not lead to sales.

Mobile friendly

Nowadays everyone turns to their smart screens for every requirement. Emails are extremely mobile-friendly; and as mentioned in the previous point, one can read them at their own convenience. Mobility is now seen as a vital marketing strategy. This means that your B2B company should focus more on mobile-friendly email campaigns so you can reach your clients on their smartphones and tablets.

Easy to measure performance

It is essential for marketers and sellers to measure the performance of their marketing campaigns in order to identify errors and areas of improvement. If you use emails as your primary form of marketing, you can gauge its performance using a variety of metrics, such as open rates, delivery rates, and click-through rates. Companies can thus keep track of how their performance is before implementing lucrative changes.


Many experts have noted email to be one of, if not the most successful channel in marketing, especially in the post COVID world.

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lead generating techniques by DataCaptive

As a healthcare product marketer, you must understand that the decision-making senior management up on the ladder is your potential customers. Some people that must be on your email list to successfully market your PPE kits are procurement officers, Chief Operations Officers, Heads of Purchasing, CEOs, board members, and many more.


Check out our complete healthcare database.


So, how do you find the email addresses of these top-level executives and build an email list, so that you can market your product effortlessly and do not get spammed?

5 best ways to get email addresses of healthcare professionals

1. Collect manually

You can collect email addresses by circulating survey forms, questionnaires, feedback forms, etc. While it is an inexpensive method, it is tedious and the data source can be incorrect or invalid.

2. Source online

Gathering your email list on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram is becoming an increasingly popular strategy among internet marketers. It can provide great value for those already actively marketing as well as those that are considering doing so.


You can also include various online methods like website pop-ups, advertisements in social media portals, or web scraping for this purpose. While this process is great to collect a massive amount of data in a short span, the data can often be un-segmented, hampering its productivity.

3. Third-party vendors

This is the best option to buy an email list of top-level healthcare professionals. Such B2B database providers offer a massive amount of tent and verified data in a short span. Depending upon the extent of the service, these providers offer quotes or subscription models.

You can now download a ready-made template to build your ICP.
Customer profile for B2B lead generation

4. Buy our readymade lists

Our newly-introduced instant download feature gives your access to readily available databases from various industries and segments. Our healthcare professionals list provides marketing emails of decision-making professionals from the healthcare industry, segmented based on specialty, firmographics, demographics, and many more.


This will help you network with healthcare professionals who would be interested in your service or product.

Download our ready-made healthcare email lists.
ready-made healthcare email lists by DataCaptive

This brings us to the point- with all the data in your inventory, how do you begin with your email campaigns?


These 3 tips to create email marketing campaigns for PPE manufactures/ suppliers will definitely be your savior.

Effective email marketing campaigns start with segmenting the list email list. If you follow the three tips mentioned above judiciously, your email marketing campaigns will not only bring splendid results but also boost sales and ROI.

Learn how you can attract the right customer with email drip campaigns.
right customer with email drip campaign

5 healthcare newsletter ideas to increase customer’s retention

As the demand for PPE and safety kits increases, you’ll want to make sure your team is properly equipped for this market. There are plenty of newsletters that can help, like these 5 examples that we’ve compiled here.

1. Always start with a welcome email

A welcome email is an automatic message that is sent to your customers when they register. The tone of the message can build a customer-friendly and effective relationship. So, the first email you send should be an opportunity to define your expectations for this business relationship. We have mentioned two examples of welcome emails, albeit for a different purpose. They provide a compelling value proposition; help you understand what to expect and have introductory discounts.

Four Seasons
Source - Moosend
Ann Taylor
Source - Shopify

2. Be informative

In this scary time of COVID-19, people are in dire need of reliable information to survive. If your emails are always about marketing and selling, you might come across as someone too aggressive with your customers. Instead, you can share information about updates and news about PPE circulating across the globe. This email showcases reliable information concerning COVID-19.

Source - Invoke blog
Patient alert
Source - Search engine

Note – With these emails, you can also advertise your product and the reason one must invest in it. There has been a significant shift towards the production of biodegradable PPE kits. Many different companies are developing ways to make their products environmentally friendly.


These include making their products biodegradable, re-useable, or scalable. Some are working towards creating disposable nitrile gloves. In addition, companies provide packaging that is 100% recyclable.


As a marketer, you must take this shift in the consumer pattern into consideration and promote it as a USP through emails.

3. Promotional offers

Promotions are the best way to attract more buyers and keep them hooked. This is an easy way to generate more leads. You can show your clients that you’re always looking for ways to give them the best experience and they will appreciate it.

Promotional offers reference
Source - Neiman Marcus emails

4. Keep nurturing your audience

If the first email doesn’t lead to a sale, as a marketer, you must take another chance and keep nurturing the lead with better offers or deals that they cannot afford to lose. Lead-nurturing is a growing trend that enables companies to develop a rapport with their lead as they move through the stages of the sales funnel.


Here are a handful of examples.

Audience nurturng ref 1
Source - Personal inbox
Audience nurturing ref 2
Source - Personal inbox
Audience nurturing ref 3
Source - Personal inbox

5. Keep them as subscribers to your newsletters

Many of the transactions in the B2B industry are not repetitive and happen once with periodic renewals. Under such circumstances, you can customize your service to meet the exact demand of the buyer and improve your product quality and performance. Online surveys and feedback forms attached in the email are a great way to take the feedback into consideration and make the buyers feel important. This is also a great way to get referrals.


Here are a few examples that you can take a cue from:

Newsletters ref 1
Source - Search engine
Newsletter ref 2
Source - Search engine
Check our self-hosted email marketing software for all your email marketing services!
self-hosted email marketing software

Email marketing is still seen by companies as the most effective method of marketing, despite all odds. If you are involved in producing PPE kits, I hope that the information has been beneficial for you and the email examples are beneficial for your sales team.

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